Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Our Hero Henri

We got an e-mail a few days ago from Henri's first grade teacher.  It made me tear up.  How could it not?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bauer,

At the Awards Assembly for this quarter Henri will be receiving the Citizenship Hero Award. He is always diligent in doing his work, consistently follows directions the first time, and is thoughtful and respectful of his teacher and his classmates. Henri is an amazing person. I hope you will be able to be there to share his special event.

Sincerely, Ms. Pietrzak

We went to the assembly today where he received his award.  He didn't know he was getting it and he was just so adorable.  Henri is such a special kid.  He is so kind and sensitive yet he loves guns and weapons of any kind.  He is always drawing bad guys and super heroes. He is pretty much the perfect kid. 

He got his award today during an assembly. 

One of these days when we are rich I am going to hire a professional photographer to follow us around full time so we actually have good pictures of our kids doing awesome stuff.  For now crappy pictures will have to do.

Oh and in case you didn't notice, Henri got glasses.  He picked them out all by himself.  Isn't he cute?  He only really needs them to see the board at school really.  He doesn't love wearing them but I'm sure he will get used to it.  I'm afraid my genes are running strongly though Henri.  The poor kids has my bad eyes and my wild hair.  His hair only looks combed for about two minutes and then the crazy hair genes take over.


CarrieAnne said...

Way to go Henri!

It's a good thing crazy hair looks cute on boys. He's gonna have the ladies running their fingers allover it!!

Mom West said...

I love the glasses and I love his crazy hair.

Mom West said...

I love his glasses and I love his crazy hair. I'm glad he has a great gene donner.

Memère said...

Oh's no surprise to any of us who know you ♥‿♥ You carry my father's name so you will always be "extra" special to me!!